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The Jitney Trail was named after the Jitney train. It was built in 1925 as a joint effort by the Ottawa Car & Foundry and CNR. The car was 64 ft. long, weighed 113,800 lbs, seating capacity of 39 in the passenger compartment plus another 17 in the baggage area using drop seats. The train made various runs around New Glasgow to Pictou.
Take a walk along the Jitney Walking Trail along the waterfront in Pictou. Walkers and cyclists can enjoy a three-kilometre trail to the site where the ship Hector made its historic landing in 1773. Park benches are available, allowing you to take in the panoramic views. Along the way, you can learn about Pictou through interpretive panels and views of the site the Hector settlers landing.
The Jitney Trail connects directly to the Trans Canada Trail System for more avid hikers.
Washrooms are available at Brown’s Point or at the Hector Quay Visitor’s Marina; the trail is partially lit and paved for first 1.5 km.
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